This year, finally, Norway clearly å legge RAM for a Standard Audit File – Tax (SAF-T). The work started back in his 2010 and reach the first versjon ready. This will simplify everyday life as well nourishment life as treasures Government service. Poenget with SAF-T is that this file should produseres av all regnskapssystemer and exported from there to the other system.
This will make operasjonen with transfer mellom ulike regnskapsprogram to revisjonsprogram and innsendelse av tax return simple and standardized,. I also calling the file is an important part of the material that Society will place forward for bokettersyn.
It is a sett with standard codes for all regnskapsdata and innlevering via Altinn becomes so simple for both merverdiavgift and skatt. It is already reaching skjema ute for å deliver omsetningsoppgaver in the new format.
Further, it will be kontospesifikasjoner (hovedboken) and kontospesifikasjoner (customer and supplier ledger) for customers and suppliers. As well as the necessary fixed data. Lengre forward in time, new versjoner include invoices and product changes, in also calling for more data elements for å simplified move data mellom ulike regnskapssystem.
SAF-T has lenge host brukt Abroad and Norwegian versjonen is built around the recommendations of the OECD. First ute to stream using it was Portugal tilbake in 2008. The data format used is XML. A programmeringsspråk which is relatively simple when it applies in syntax. XML is also a åpen standard which is plattform- and leverandøruavhengig.
It jobbes also with a SAF-T format for kassasystemer candy kassaapparater can export electronic record in this format. Again the advantage is that this simplifies the transfer of AV data to kassaapparat regnskapssystemet.
Plikten to stream bruke SAF-T by transfer av regnskapsinformasjon to the tax authority networks trees in force from 01.01.2017.
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